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BAGT Award: Sexiest Canadian After Drake

photo by Ovyian Photography

I don't know how Anubha and I found each other online, maybe I followed her or vice versa, but I know a cool gal when I see one (issa skill). I gave her the Sexiest Canadian After Drake Award because, well, look at her! But she is way, way more than another pretty brown girl, she doing big things in media and she's definitely one to watch. She's realness, self love, and creative goals so read all about her below and then follow her for more awesomeness.

Who are you and what do you represent? What makes your site unique?

My name is Anubha Momin, and I am, among other things, a writer, producer, and host. While I do think there are a number of facets of my identity that make me unique, one thing that always stands out to people (and impresses them) is that I lived in the Canadian Arctic for four and a half years (I am talking winter from October to June, 24-hour blizzards, polar bear-territory shit). My work is also unique; I work in film and television as a producer, host, and writer, which means I get to meet some characters and go to some interesting and unexpected places. More intrinsically, I think my uniqueness has to be tied to my unapologetic, unabashed acceptance of who I am. I am a woman, of colour, queer, and the politics of all of that is in all of this that I do, write, and create. Oh, and I am pretty funny.

Why did you start traveling? What made you fall in love with it?

I am an immigrant; migration and movement is very much a part of my story and experience. You could say I started travelling at two years old, when we came to Toronto from Dhaka, Bangladesh. But more recently (and more under my control), travel has come to be a way for me to both heal and grow. The growth comes from overcoming the challenges (expected or otherwise) that come with travel. In terms of healing, travel has been one form of therapy that has plugged the holes left by heartbreak on many, many occasions.

Oh, and food. I travel partially because I love to eat.

How do you save on travel?

Oh, so many ways, but the ones that are most replicable for almost anyone are:

1. Don't check a bag. This saves on baggage fees, and as a bonus, limits how much you can buy!

2. Eat at markets or street stalls, and do some groceries. Avoiding restaurants for at least a few meals can save you a lot of money.

3. Do your research ahead of time to see if any attractions or events you are interested in have free or discounted days. For example, many museums have one day a week or month that they are open for free.

Have you ever come face to face with some extra-ordinary experience? What was it ?

Oh, so many. So many.

Favorites! Food? Country? Color? Thing to do? Music artist? Movie?

Food is my life, so that's a tough one, but probably sushi or egg curry. Colour is gold. Country, I could never choose, but I am craving a visit to Paris (I crave and succumb to this nearly yearly). I love to read, sing (read: karaoke), dance, and eat. I also like to take time every year to learn useful skills, like how to change spark plugs in small engines or change your oil, basic woodworking, sewing; plumbing is next on the list. I can watch Moulin Rouge, The Little Mermaid, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Florida Project, and Call Me By Your Name over and over and over again (and I have).

What is your favorite thing about traveling and your lifestyle?

I want to look back at the last month, week, day of my life and think, "That wasn't what I was expecting." Travel helps me do that, because so much about being somewhere else is giving up some level of control and expectations. I am very lucky to be able to travel almost every month and work from wherever I am. This gives me that sense of slow travel, where you really feel like you are living in a different place, which for me, deepens the connection between myself and a space I am in.

If you could go back and change anything in your past would you? What would it be?

There are people I have hurt, in minor ways or otherwise. I would love to erase that reality.

In a video for Wealthsimple you talk about how true financial independence means not relying on anyone else, quickly tell these young gals why this is important and what you do to maintain your financial health.

Understanding and taking ownership over your own finances gives you power and peace of mind. I feel very competent in my ability to make and save money, and this confidence allows me to enjoy myself when I do need to spend - because I believe I can just as easily save. My best advice for financial health is:

1. Budget regularly. I use the Mint app to monitor and set my spending.

2. If you have the means, invest. I use Wealthsimple (a robo-advisor) to manage my investments, but you can also go to a traditional investment advisor or your bank.

Tell us all about what you are working on. What’s coming next?

I am currently in the process of pitching my own television show and film idea(s), so that I can create the media I want to see instead of just complaining about the state it's in right now.

What is your “motto”? What is your #1 mission or crusade you’re fighting for?

It is hard to pick one, as our identities and experiences are intersectional and overlapping, but for many, many years of my life, I have studied and worked in sexual health advocacy. This includes everything from STI awareness to consent-based education to owning and understanding your own sexuality. I know that being confident in and educated about sex and sexuality has been incredibly important and protective in my life, and I am glad that I can pass some of this on through workshops, panels, Instagram captions (lol), and conversations.

Extra credit: Is your brother single? I’m asking for a friend...

Screaming. He is, not surprisingly, in a relationship with an incredible human being.

Where can we find you?

Instagram: @anubhamomin


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